Monday, May 24, 2010

More to0 Motherhood

It's my Yeshua's 2nd month birthday today. She's sick with colds and cough and have given her the medication she needs. It makes me sad knowing that she's still too young to be suffering that however thankful that God made her strong enough to endure her health's tribulation.

There's a lot more to motherhood than just the mere pain of giving birth. Worrying for the young is irrevocable especially when she cries seamlessly, i really mean seamless.

I appreciate more what my Mom have gone through when she raised me and I will always thank her for waking up in the evening even if she's very tired, sacrificing her meal just to attend to her crying child, stop investing in make ups and clothes just to buy milk and diaper.

If not for love I may not enjoy life.

If not for love I may not be born.